Tuesday, June 24, 2008

28-week ultrasound



Everything is great with the baby! It is so incredible to SEE it move and FEEL it move simultaneously. We get to see its brain and its heart and all of its tiny little fingers and toes. And yes, it is actually looking at us in the second picture -- eyes open!! We don't see any extra boy parts but I don't think we'd know it if we did! I lay back on the table and my husband squeezes my hand. It is a moment of pure joy and pride. Proud of our child. There is no better feeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine just sent me your blog yesterday. I started reading it all. From your first blog, all the way to your current one. You are SOOOO strong, and I can't put into words how happy I am for you and your family!

Your baby looks perfect. That's all I can say...perfect!