Friday, August 15, 2008

bad news

I hate having to write about bad news. But sometimes...well...sometimes news just is bad.  So here goes. My friend who lost her baby due to a placental abruption in March (she was 32 weeks) just lost another baby yesterday to Trisomy 13. She was 12 weeks this time. 

I can't stand it. I want to tell you that she doesn't deserve it. But who does deserve that? Nobody. So what gives? How does this happen??? She's already paid her dues. And then some!! She's been through more than most people ever go through. How is it possible that when you hit rick bottom you can still fall further??? Doesn't the universe have limits?

I don't have any answers. I'm just disgusted by the unfairness of life. 

And I pray for her.


Anonymous said...

It's awful to watch someone go through pain that you've experienced. It's completely unfair and I couldn't believe that this happened again to her. She will be in my prayers. Remember to take care of yourself (emotionally too). The best friend feel our pain and are just there, you are a great friend to mourn with her. Take Care.

Jennifer said...

I am so sorry to hear that. It is horrible to lose two children. My thoughts are with her and her husband.

K-tell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
K-tell said...

I am so sorry. I'm glad she has such a supportive and understanding friend to help her get through this.

K-tell said...

(the deleted comment was mine... I made a mistake!)